To ride, fly, sail, everything is there at MHD!
This second kit contains the electric motors and the necessary components for motorization.
It is not necessary to acquire this kit if one does not intend to make the model navigable.
The remote control is not included. See below for additional items offered for navigation.
Dimensions of the assembled model: 1350 x 140 x - mm (Length x Width x Height).
Scale: 1/200.
Titanic 1/200 Board Radio Boat 1/200 Box N ° 2
Plus de detailsTitanic 1/200 Board Radio Boat 1/200 Box N ° 2
The models from the MANTUA, SERGAL, and PANART brands are produced by the company MANTUA MODELS.
These construction kits are designed with the finest materials, both for the selection of wood types and fittings. They allow for the creation of the most beautiful wooden boat models, regardless of the brand.
The Titanic continues to exert enduring fascination and interest worldwide, serving as a testament to human tragedy and the technology of its time. Books, documentaries, and films, including James Cameron's famous 1997 film, have contributed to perpetuating the history of the Titanic.