Super Decathlon Radio Airplane 60-85 CC ARF
Super Decathlon Radio Airplane 60-85 CC ARF
- Wingspan: 122.0 in (310.0 cm)
- Wing Area: 2487.8 sp.in (160.5 dm²)
- Weight: 26.4 - 27.4 lbs (12.5 - 13 kg)
- Length: 84.6 in (215.0 cm)
- Engine/Motor size: 60-85 cc
- Servo: 7 channels 9 servos
- Huge 122" wingspan sport aerobatic model of the popular Super Decathlon civilian aircraf. - Strong, yet lightweight design, good for aerobatic flying and basic 3D maneuvers! - Plug-in wings with fast-connect struts make it easy to transport and fast to assemble. - Opening right side door and scale cockpit. - Genuine German Oracover iron-on covering, two colors scheme for customers easy to select the color scheme you want. - Can hover with 60cc-85cc engine. - Highly prefabricated - Experienced modelers can have this aircraft ready to fly in 20-25 hours. - Removable rudder and horizontal stabilizers for easier transport and storage. - LED Light Set Included. - Carbon Fiber landing gear, carbon fiber wing tube and elevator carbon tube. - Removable cabin top for easy access. - Painted fiberglass cowl and wheel pants. - Quality hardware included. - 6” wheel included with alloy hubs.
- Degree of finish
- Pre-assembled (RTF)
- Engines
- Thermal
- Level of use/difficulty
- Thermal
- Product types
- 8cc & + semi-dams
Radiocomed aircraft
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