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PROTRONIK Servo Programming Card.
Allows you to program certain parameters of the PROTRONIK programmable servos.
Including €0.05 for ecotax
Servos for radiocomande programming card Servos Pro-Tronik
Plus de detailsServos for radiocomande programming card Servos Pro-Tronik
PROTRONIK Servo Programming Card.
Allows you to program certain parameters of the PROTRONIK programmable servos.
The manual for the PROTRONIK servo programming card is available below for download. We invite you to download it and read it carefully before purchasing and using it.
It is also delivered with the card. If you do not have it, please ask your dealer for it.
Not all PTK servos are programmable, nor are some parameters.
The modification of the initial parameters of the PROTRONIK servos is left to the discretion of the modeler.
The modifications are made at the sole responsibility and risk of the modeler.
The manufacturer and the company are not liable for any damage to the servos or for any loss of control over the servos.
The manufacturer and distributor cannot be held responsible for improper modification or setting of the servo parameters.
Since we cannot control the modification of the parameters, any modification of the parameters established at the factory cancels the warranty of the servos by SCIENTIFIC/MHD and discharges the company from the risks incurred.
We thank you for your understanding.
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