Available again in 2022.
For electric or thermal motorization
- Wingspan: 2.357 mm.
- Length: 1,610mm.
- Mass: 7 kg.
- Wall area: 78.1 dm2.
- Wall load: 89.62 g/dm2.
- Servo mount: 42mm x 21mm.
- Model suspended landing gear.
- Balsa and high quality plywood structure already assembled.
- ORACOVER heat-shrink interfacing.
Recommended equipment (not prod):
- Radio: 6 channels minimum.
- Servos: 8 servos.
- Combustion engine: 30 – 35cc petrol
- Propeller: depending on the engine used.
- Battery for electronic ignition (petrol engine).
- Receiving battery 6V / 1200mA minimum.
- Cone
- Electric motor: Brushless outrunner 2500 - 3200W, 250KV.
- 2 Li-Po 6s 4000-5500mAh batteries
- Controller 80-100 A
- Propeller: depending on the engine used.
- Cone