Educational model

Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci

Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci | Scientific-MHD
Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci | Scientific-MHD
Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci | Scientific-MHD
Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci | Scientific-MHD
Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci | Scientific-MHD
Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci | Scientific-MHD
Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci | Scientific-MHD
Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci | Scientific-MHD
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Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci

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Educational plastic model hanging clock da vinci

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1) Leonardo da Vinci was fascinated by escapement mechanisms that measure time. He studied a number of them 2) Based on his work, the kit uses the laws of motion and a “flying” pendulum escapement to keep accurate time 3) The pendulum’s weight acts as the clock's power source 4) The kit needs no glue or battery in order to assemble a fascinating, working model. Available May 2016.
Product types
Plastic building models
Types of models
Educational plastic models
Vehicle types
Educational themes

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