1/20 20 mechatrwego no.02 “orange”\nJapanese Mechatrobot (SF / Fantasy)\n\nNew Tool - Regular Item in 2016\nHeight: 131mm x width: 105mm\n* Five Molding Color + Clear Parts\n* Each joint part is movable.\n* Boy is part of it included.\nStory of \'Mechatrwego\'\n\nIn the late 1940\'s, the mechatrobot* Industry Developed Rapidly on a Worldwide Scale. However, in mind of its popularity, mechatrobots were too big in size and also it still had a rugged appearance even with its human shape.\n\nAlthough mechatrobots we imported to japan, domestic use did not increased because these gigantic figi not follows japanese culture. As a result, mechatrobots had little opportunities in the public eye.\n\nBut the japanese company, \'chubu mechatronics\' launched an unprecedented evolutionary small-sized mechatrobot in 1957. It was \'chubu no.1\', light version of mechatrobot.\n\n\'One mechatrobot in Every Home\' Employing the Slogan, this Revolutionary Invention Determined A Direction of Mechatrobot Industry in the Future in Japan and also in the World.\n\nTime Pass To the Year 2000. The mechatrobot Industry Sufferred A Crushing Defeat in Introduction to A General Family Compared To the Growth of the Automobile Industry.\nBut, here again, another innovative New Model was announced by chubu mechatronics. It was \'mechatrwego\', The World\'s Smallest Mechatrobot for Children.\n\n*Mechatrobot is a general term of humanoid robots that work in a person boarding state.\n