El Cid heavy andalusian infantry - 28 mm.\n32 inclusive painting figurines.\nAfter several years of research, the company Hât Industry realizes its first 28mm figurines to paint hard plastic for wargaming. These figurines are not compatible with the 1/72 tradidionella figurines and are made for the 28mm Wargaming market. They are larger than the 1/72 soft plastic figurines, and therefore allow more details to be highlighted during the paint. The plastic used for these figurines is a hard polystyrene/plastic which can be glued with a traditional glue for plastic models.\nThe recommended public price (approximately 0.50 euros the figurine) is half lower than the price of traditional 28mm metal figurines (price ranging from 1 to 2 euros per figurine), since a 28mm Hät box contains 32 figurines for 15, 00 euros, public prices recommended for information.