Science fiction modell

Hexe von Stanley G4M1 1/72 Plastic Science -Fiction -Modell

Hexe von Stanley G4M1 1/72 Plastic Science -Fiction -Modell | Scientific-MHD
Hexe von Stanley G4M1 1/72 Plastic Science -Fiction -Modell | Scientific-MHD
41,95 € Bruttopreis
Hexe von Stanley G4M1 1/72 Plastic Science -Fiction -Modell | Scientific-MHD

Hexe von Stanley G4M1 1/72 Plastic Science -Fiction -Modell

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Hexe von Stanley G4M1 1/72 Plastic Science -Fiction -Modell

41,95 €
Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden
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1/72 "WITCH OF STANLEY" MITSUBISHI G4M1 TYPE 1 ATTACK BOMBER (BETTY) MODEL 11 WWII Japanese Bomber of Japanese Cartoon (Fantasy) NP3(51823) - Not regular item in 2014 I.J.N. 763rd Naval Flyig Group Code: 763-5 It is appeared on very famous Japanese anime and manga creator Mr. Leiji Matsumoto's battlefield manga "Witch of Stanley" included in his book "THE COCKPIT".
Arten von Modellen
Plastik -Science -Fiction -Modelle
Science -Fiction -Themen
Japanische Science -Fiction
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