The Nemesis is now equipped with the new high performance Sid-3 radio in 2.4 GHz. Monster Truck 4 -wheel drive high performance based on Genesis GST. Delivered mounted and complete, 7.7 cc (9 hp) engine, 2 -speed gearbox, 8 hydraulic shock absorbers with tank, front and rear aluminum front and rear differentials, 8 mm steel walnuts, all -wheel drive by CVS cardan, hexagons 23 mm in anodized aluminum, lower suspension arm with 3 anchor points.\nReversal and third speed normally optional.\nCandle feeding soil, fuel pipette, batteries for the radio control to be acquired separately.\nReference engine Z09G70357 for parts.\nFor the characteristics of SID-3 radio in 2.4 GHz, please refer to the reference Z15G82166.