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Bildhauerklinge Blade Blade

Bildhauerklinge Blade Blade | Scientific-MHD
Bildhauerklinge Blade Blade | Scientific-MHD
  • Förderung
Lames sculpteur. Les 5.
3,40 € Bruttopreis
Bildhauerklinge Blade Blade | Scientific-MHD

Bildhauerklinge Blade Blade

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Bildhauerklinge Blade Blade

3,40 €
Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden
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Bildhauerblätter. Die 5.
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Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden
Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden
Rückgabe und Umtausch innerhalb von 14 Tagen
Rückgabe und Umtausch innerhalb von 14 Tagen
Extremely finesse model. Over 240 pieces included with cutting photo. Contains a presentation base and a plate engraved with the name. Hull and super structure in several molds for great ease of assembly.\nLength of the 203.9 mm model, width 71.4 mm.\nUSS PEGASUS (PHM-1) was the main ship in its class of hydropters operated by the United States navy. Pegasus class ships have been designed to have high speed and high mobility, and have a powerful armament (for their size).\nPHM 1: Pegasus hydroptère boats have been designed to operate offensively against hostile surface fighters and other surface devices. They carry out surveillance, screening and special operations operations. The six pHMs in the Pegasus class formed a single squadron based in Key West (Florida, USA). They were the fastest navy ships when they were \"suspended\" above the water and driven by their only gas turbine. They had a good scope on their diesels, of excellent navigation qualities, an incredible acceleration. They have established an exceptionally high availability rate while participating in various missions, including significant involvement in the national drug control program.\n