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Accessoire für Radio -kontrollierte Hubschrauber Carbon Passpape Winzige 700 CP

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26,71 € Bruttopreis
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Accessoire für Radio -kontrollierte Hubschrauber Carbon Passpape Winzige 700 CP

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Accessoire für Radio -kontrollierte Hubschrauber Carbon Passpape Winzige 700 CP

26,71 €
Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden
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Hauptkohlenstoffklingen für winzige 700 CP oder gleichwertig.
Radio -kontrollierte Hubschrauber
Klingen und Stützen für Hubschrauber
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Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden
Versand innerhalb von 48 Stunden
Rückgabe und Umtausch innerhalb von 14 Tagen
Rückgabe und Umtausch innerhalb von 14 Tagen
French frigate of 34 cannons
\nClassic frigate belonging to the French fleet at the end of the 18th century. She was an army of 26 cannons of 12 in battery besides 4 cannons of 6 and 4 carronades on the bridge. It was built according to a drawing by the engineer of naval constructions Guignace and was launched in Saint-Malo in 1778. The model is the reproduction, scale 1: 90, of the ship during its first year of navigation, with the live works painted white. A year later, in June 1779, as on several other vessels, the plunged part of the shell would have been covered with copper plates which were to protect it from corrosion.